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Topic: Vacation
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robelixBrazil flag
And I thought LSD was out of fashion...

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag
Hhhhmmm .... see , the box I saw was definately blue when it was travelling towards me . When it drew level with me it stopped a cat got out and said

" Right I've waited long enough for my opponent to move I'm off "

He than picked up the chess set and walked off muttering about it not being a cat box but a hyper cat box .

As the box travel away from me it seemed to turn red ?

I shouted to the cat that he had left one of the rooks behind . He said " Keep it , I don't want it anymore and sorry if it smells a bit funny "

OnceuponEngland flag

Hmm. A thought experiment:

If two players begin an RRC game whilst two different players start a neighbouring one and each match (the two players, their chairs, the chessboard and table) is accelerated away from the other at the speed of light, how would the adjudicator adjudicate both games?

Hmm. I believe the answer to this lies in "quantum entanglement". That is, the adjudicator will travel along at light speed with one of the matches. Once he has observed the outcome of this match, he will know instantly the result of the other. If White wins the observed game, Black wins the other one. And vice versa. If the observed game is drawn then the other must be abandoned as a result of some dispute between the players.

quantumly entangled

Incredible. I'd already written the above before I realized you had the same idea (sort of). Though I believe my post will be ahead of yours in a parallel universe. (So bad luck.)

However, Stanley Random Chess (SRC) players consider themselves highly respectable (if not respected) in the chess world (indeed, quite above the masses of Simplified Stanley Random Chess (SSRC) players who dominate it) and would never subject themselves to such experimental tomfoolery.

axedreItaly flag
In some parallel universe we would still be on topic, but here I'm afraid we're completely OT. By the way, I drew my RRRRC game: as Onceupon correctly asserted in page 3 of this thread, a micro-wormhole opened in the centre of the board and vacuumed in all the pieces; that's too bad: I had a rook's advantage (I was playing a cat and he ate his).

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
All this talk of parallel universes suddenly made me all suspicious, so I checked my apartment.
I found the wormhole just around the corner from my premonition.
The worm said that there was really no danger involved, as long as he was still inhabiting it.
Now an empty wormhole, that's trouble.
Nature abhors a vacuum, as we all know, and so it follows vacuums also abhor us.
"Be kind to your resident holeworm," he advised.
"You first tell me all you know about those missing socks of mine!," I replied, suddenly on to something.
The worm blamed the washing machines at the local launderette.

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