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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
Sou contra o uso de engines para jogar neste site ou para jogar qualquer tipo de xadrez postal, sem utilizar as engines, vc aprende bem mais. :-)

I don´t like to use engines to calculate the moves. If you use, you don´t learn to play and think by yourself. :-(

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
Eu penso que muita gente usa, e é claro, não pode dizer nem defender o uso, porque é proibido no site. Principalmente o pessoal com rating acima de 2100, acho que a maoiria usa. Prefiro me contentar com meus 1700 e ter a consciência limpa. :-)

I think that the people with rating over 2100 use engines to calculate the moves, because your statistics show less losings. ?:-(

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Marcelo_Araujo wrote: I think that the people with rating over 2100 use engines to calculate the moves

I think you've just accused 137 users of this server of cheating, with no evidence whatsoever, and you them an apology.

Somebody rated 2100 on this server should be able to beat me about 70% of the time. I know at least one person who can beat me over the board at least 90% of the time -- I can see he's not using a computer for those games. He would have a rating of around 2300 on this site without using a computer. And there are plenty of stronger players than him in the world.

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
I dont know... i am only a weak player... sorry for any incovenience... :-/

i think that much people on this site win using software of any kind or databases... sometimes this appears for me not right with the people that no use this... :-(

tazEngland flag
The rules state clearly that use of an engine is not allowed on this site.

You cannot use a computer or computer program to evaluate or analyze a game. However, you may use computers for record keeping. It is also allowed to consult chess books and opening databases.

You need to trust that people follow this rule, if you dont trust people to honour this rule then your going to suspect innocent players.

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
yes, but... it´s only a relief... i ever honour this rule... but i think... well... forget... :-/

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